Drahthaar Pedigree Database Search

Online Drahthaar Pedigree service provided by Carlton Corbitt - CCCCRnr

This project is to provide a pedigree of all active Drahthaar worldwide. It currently includes 2,437 Drahthaar


Select the number of generations you will want displayed in the pedigree.
The range is 1 to 7 generation. For most computer printers printing smaller is better.


Enter the name, Kennel, or ZB Number of the Drahthaar to search for.


All ZB # Name DGStB / VGP #
( check 1 )
in the Drahthaar Pedigree Database.


Click on the "Find Draht(s)" button below. When ready to begin the search.

a MySQL database and PHP pedigree search developed by Carlton Corbitt

For Help see FAQ

Draht's Last Added On: Tue 05/22/12.

Thanks to Mr. Hans Keuper Member of honor of VVDD the Netherlands, and Founder and administrator of DD DNA-vWD-Databank for providing health and relationship data to start the DD database. Hans can be contacted for information on the vWD part of the Health of the Deutsch Drahthaar at hanskeuper00@hetnet.nl

© Carlton Corbitt - CCCCRnr - drahthaardatabase.org