FAQ of Drahthaar Pedigree Database

Q: Is there another Drahthaar Database or one in Spanish?
ANSWER: Yes, at http://www.drahthaar.info you have available a spanish version of a data base about drahthaar genealogy.

Q: How can I get my dog or its ahnentafel into this Drahthaar Pedigree Database?
ANSWER: If you have a ZB# and those of the sire and dam of each dog you want entered with some scores. Email me at carlton@drahthaardatabase.org .

Q: What has been the source of this drahthaar information?
ANSWER: Dedicated friends of the breed, such as Hans Keuper, Jeff Henke, and Jeff Funke mostly.

Q: How do I add more data to a draht already in the database?
ANSWER: Email me at carlton@drahthaardatabase.org with test sheets and whatever you have and I'll make the update.

Q: When does a new dog show-up after filling out the online form?
ANSWER: It takes a few days weeks to run file conversions and parse the information into MySQL. A small part of the process is still manual. This is just part of the hobby of enjoying a really nice dog. If you enter a large number of drahts(8+), email me and I'll try to speed it along so you can see how they show up.

Q: What are future improvements to the Database
  • Color Code repeating Ancestors
  • Inbreeding Coefficient
  • Punnett square inheritableness factor tool
  • Offspring test score averaging tool

FAQ Last Update 10/05/14

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